06/2020 – STABILA is Committed to Women in the Building Trade
STABILA encourages and inspires women in trades worldwide with own community / This year's fundraising campaign calls for creative designs of folding rules / STABILA donates 5 Euro per submitted design for children's hospice

With the "True Pro Ladies" campaign, STABILA connects craftswomen worldwide and creates attractive incentives for the younger female generation. The craftswomen Jessica Jörges is part of this community. Photograph: See Instagram: @buntezukunft
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76855 Annweiler / Germany
E-Mail: press@de.stabila.com

With the "True Pro Ladies" campaign, STABILA connects craftswomen worldwide and creates attractive incentives for the younger female generation. The craftswomen Kortney Heit is part of this community. Photograph: See Instagram: @seq_chippy_chick
The number of craftswomen in construction and construction-related trades is still very low worldwide. Due to the acute shortage of craftspeople in modern societies, however, career opportunities for women in particular have never been better than today. Unfortunately, crafts and women who have opted for such a profession still do not get the attention and appreciation they deserve. With the "True Pro Ladies" campaign, STABILA brings together craftswomen all over the world in an own community, draws attention to successful women in trades and crafts and is committed to the young generation of women. Together with the spanning "True Pro" campaign, this project adds to the successful social media activities of STABILA. The "True Pro" campaign design also marks the start of this year's creative fundraising campaign for a children's hospice.
Encouragement for young craftswomen
Women mostly choose craft professions such as hairdresser, tailor, goldsmith or even confectioner (each with a share of women of 80 to 90 percent). Although there is a trend towards more women in the more technical professions, they are still underrepresented (Source: German Confederation of Skilled Crafts ZDH). For many years, STABILA has been committed to young people in the crafts sector, with a particular focus on the young generation of women. „We consider the promotion of young people in the trade a central brand value, since STABILA as a specialist for measuring tools has been closely connected with the trade for over 130 years. In addition, the lack of young craftsmen and craftswomen is a major global problem. Through our targeted activities, we want to make a contribution to encouraging more young people to choose a profession in the building trade“, explains Holger Binder, Director Sales and Marketing at STABILA.
As part of the "True Pro Ladies" campaign, craftswomen or young women with a passion for the trade can exchange information on the hashtag #trueproladies and become part of the community where they find mutual inspiration and motivation. In addition to Germany and Austria, craftswomen from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Great Britain are taking part in the campaign. The project Women in Crafts reaches almost 200,000 people worldwide in the relevant target group via STABILA's social media channels.

This year's fundraising campaign of STABILA is under the motto "Ruler for Children". For each folding rule individually designed by the participants, STABILA donates five euros to the children's hospice Sterntaler in Dudenhofen. The artist Rene Sulzer created the "Be a true pro" design based on the creative interpretation of the colours used by STABILA. He was also inspired by the functionality of a spirit level.
Folding rules for a good Cause
Apart from this, STABILA is involved in a worldwide fundraising campaign under the motto "Ruler for Children" which is to the benefit of the children's hospice Sterntaler in Dudenhofen in the Palatinate. At the heart of the campaign are folding rules designed by the participants themselves. A blank template for the design is available online for download from STABILA. The created design, which can consist of logos, sayings or drawings, is posted on Instagram together with the hashtags #rulerforchildren and #stabila. For each design posted by 1 November 2020, STABILA will donate five euros to the children's hospice Sterntaler where terminally ill children and their families get support on their difficult way. Once the campaign is over, seven winning motifs will be chosen and printed on folding rules. The winners themselves will receive 30 copies with their motif. „ We as the STABILA family are proud that our worldwide community is committed to this good cause, and we hope that this year's campaign will again be a lively one, with many creative results“, says Dr. Ulrich Dähne, Managing Director of STABILA. The design for the campaign was created by the Karlsruhe artist Rene Sulzer, who as a painter and varnisher has a background in craftsmanship. For his design, he was inspired by STABILA's corporate culture and corporate design and took up the typical yellow and black of the STABILA logo or the functionality of a spirit level.
STABILA – How true pro's measure
Since 1889, STABILA has stood for the highest quality and innovation in measurement technology. The company offers a wide range of solutions for construction trades and is the brand of choice for millions of professionals worldwide when it comes to measuring and aligning.
The product range includes spirit levels, electronic measuring tools, construction lasers, tape measures and rules. Each and every product is developed and manufactured with the greatest care to ensure accurate measurements and maximum reliability. STABILA measuring tools are renowned not only for their accuracy, but also for their toughness and durability. Built to withstand rough conditions on the building site or in the workshop, they make the professional's job easier, with more reliable and more efficient results.
STABILA is proud of its tradition, innovation and pioneering technologies. A dedicated team of over 600 people worldwide, including 350 in Germany, works hand in hand with customers and partners to develop practical solutions and provide the very best service.