Your direct contact with STABILA

  • Contact form

To get in touch with us, just complete the form below. (Please do not use this form for job applications/repair requests. This form is not suitable for customers based in the USA or Canada*).

We will deal with your request as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

*)   For job applications, please only use our applications platform.
  For repair requests, please use our repair service.
  If you are a customer in the USA or Canada, please click here to contact us.

* Obligatory fields  |  Data protection

STABILA Messgeräte
Gustav Ullrich GmbH
Landauer Str. 45
76855 Annweiler, Germany

Tel: 0049-(0)6346-309-0
Fax: 0049-(0)6346-309-480