True Pro Ladies 2023 –
STABILA supports women in the building trade

Even in our current day and age, the number of women in the building trade worldwide is still extremely low. But with the industry facing an acute shortage of tradespeople, the opportunities to break into a career in this area are better today than they ever have been. With the True Pro Ladies campaign, STABILA has been establishing a global community dedicated to female tradespeople since 2020, highlighting women who have forged successful careers in trade sectors and promoting a new generation of up-and-coming female talent in the industry.

For many years now, STABILA has been committed to supporting young talent in the trade industry.

For many years now, STABILA has been committed to supporting young talent in the trade industry. As the world faces an acute and increasingly prominent shortage of young tradespeople, this is a mission that has become more important than ever. In trade professions, women are mostly the dominant force in areas such as hairdressing, tailoring, jewellery-making and baking and, while their numbers are certainly growing in sectors with a more industrial slant, they continue to be under-represented in these areas. Not only that, but female tradespeople in the construction industry are still failing to receive the recognition and appreciation they so richly deserve.

These are the exact challenges and issues that we are seeking to tackle with the True Pro Ladies campaign. In 2020, we established a global community for current and future female tradespeople with the long-term goal of making trades more appealing to women.

The campaign is entering its fourth year. Another official True Pro Ladies team has been established in 2023, consisting of 25 female tradespeople from Germany, Austria, England, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Norway, the Netherlands and France.

Die Kampagne geht bereits in das vierte Jahr und auch in 2023 gibt es wieder ein offizielles True Pro Ladies Team bestehend aus 25 Handwerkerinnen.

„It is essential to have the right tools, but it is also essential that the tools are used in the right way. “

(Sasha – @sash_the_carpenter)

One person in the team this year is Ashton (@thatmasonrygirl) from Texas.

One person in the team this year is Ashton (@thatmasonrygirl) from Texas, two-time national champion in masonry. She is also an ambassador for Skills USA and Texas Masonry. This involves her visiting bricklaying competitions in Texas and familiarising young tradespeople in schools and training centres with bricklaying.

Ahjin (@jj_girl_) from South Korea is a member of the True Pro Ladies team for the second year in a row.

Ahjin (@jj_girl_) from South Korea is a member of the True Pro Ladies team for the second year in a row. Ahjin is one of the most influential female influencers in the building trade in South Korea. Alongside her main job as a carpenter, she posts regularly on social media, appears on radio and TV shows and is studying architecture at university.

Magdalena (@electriciangirl_) from Austria is at the heart of the True Pro Ladies team.

Magdalena (@electriciangirl_) from Austria is at the heart of the True Pro Ladies team. Magdalena took the challenging step into self-employment a year ago. She founded her own electrical engineering business (@stk_service_gmbh) and has been running it ever since. She is also one of the biggest building sector influencers in Austria with over 30,000 followers.

Karo (@metallbauerin_karo) is a master in metal works from Germany.

Karo (@metallbauerin_karo) is a master in metal works from Germany. She takes her community along with her every day on installations, to the workshop, to trade shows and to technical college. Karo does a great job of using her channel to show how to gain further training in trades professions and how to really make a career of it.

In addition to the official True Pro Ladies team members, female tradespeople and young women with an interest in trade professions from around the world are able to engage in the campaign by sharing their thoughts using the #trueproladies hashtag and becoming part of a community that provides a mutual source of inspiration and motivation.

Over the course of the last four years, we have already managed to reach millions of young female and male tradespeople through our campaign activities on our marketing channels (website, social media and press). The feedback we have received from women and men alike has been overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing just how important it is to engage with this kind of issue facing society.


Over the years ahead, we are looking forward to working more with our community in order to promote the True Pro Ladies campaign and keep pursuing our goals and ambitions to support young talent in the trade industry. Our ultimate hope is to inspire lots of young people to explore a career in a trade profession!