Ruler for Children charity campaign:
EUR 1500 for the Sterntaler Children’s Hospice in Dudenhofen, Germany

Once again, the large STABILA family has come together for a good cause – by the end of October, 194 rule designs from fourteen different countries had been submitted as part of the “Ruler for Children” campaign, which was put in place to raise money for the Sterntaler Children’s Hospice.

Für jeden Zollstock-Entwurf, der unter #rulerforchildren und #stabila gepostet wurde, spendete STABILA fünf Euro.

Between 1 April and 1 November 2020, the global STABILA community got creative to help the charity. The template was available for all to download and add their unique designs. Participants could let their creativity run wild, such as adding a logo, a funny saying or drawings. STABILA donated five euros for every folding rule design that was posted using the hashtags #rulerforchildren and #stabila. Once the campaign was over, seven winners would receive 30 rules printed with the motif they had designed – another incentive to join in. “It’s just great to see how many people got involved in this fundraising campaign and gave their time and used their creative skills to support the Sterntaler hospice. Once again, it shows that we can do a lot when we work together,” emphasises Beate Däuwel, who came to Annweiler on behalf of the Sterntaler Children’s Hospice and was delighted to receive the donation, which was rounded up to EUR 1500. As an added bonus, the Children's Hospice received 150 rules with the Sterntaler motif printed on them and a wooden frame with the seven selected rule designs. The company Weitblick (@weitblickworkwear) also sponsored 330 face masks for the children’s hospice. “We are delighted that our donation not only allowed us to support the children's hospice financially, but also enabled us to reach out to a lot of people around the world and to make them aware of this important issue,” says Dr Ulrich Dähne, CEO of STABILA.

„It’s just great to see how many people got involved in this fundraising campaign and
gave their time and used their creative skills to support the Sterntaler hospice. Once again,
it shows that we can do a lot when we work together“

Beate Däuwel, Sterntaler Children’s Hospice

It was extremely difficult to choose the winners. The 194 designs submitted from fourteen different countries included lots of great ideas, from pencil drawings and unique comics to many designs by children. Yet again, this showed how strong our society is, especially in these difficult times, it is a symbol of solidarity and strength. “We would like to sincerely thank our community around the world. When we visited the hospice in spring 2020, before the beginning of the pandemic, we were able to gain an understanding of the hospice and the work that the many care workers, medical practitioners and staff do. Not only were we deeply moved, but we were also very impressed by the valuable work that the people in Dudenhofen do for the many families and children,” said Nicholas Baldermann and Claus-Peter Stengel from STABILA, who have worked with the children’s hospice to monitor the campaign over the course of the year.

In November, the winning rules were produced here in Annweiler in the company’s own rule printing facility. The results were very well received online and, of course, by the lucky winners themselves, who have already shared many pictures on social media. The collection of the seven winning rules in a wooden frame has been sent to each of the happy winners where they have found a place to call home.

Die Gewinner-Maßstäbe wurden im November hier in Annweiler in der hauseigenen Maßstabdruckerei gefertigt.

The Sterntaler Children’s Hospice still needs support. To finance its annual budget of over one million euros, the organisation, which is one of just seventeen children’s hospices in Germany and the only one in Rhineland-Palatinate and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan area, predominantly relies on donations and proceeds from campaigns created to help the Sterntaler Children’s Hospice, which have been few and far between in 2020 due to COVID-19-related restrictions. The children’s hospice in Dudenhofen supports terminally ill children and their families on their difficult journeys. Alongside medical care and treatment for the children, the hospice’s main focuses are providing grief counselling for the families and supporting the children's siblings.

More information about the Sterntaler Children’s Hospice: