Customised designs make dreams come alive

From the small pick-up through to the large articulated lorry – Ormocar Reisemobile GmbH creates individual solutions based on customer requirements.

Anyone who enters the 1100 m2 large production hall of Ormocar Reisemobile GmbH based in Hauenstein in the southwestern Palatinate region of Germany, will instantly feel the special energy that the employees and owner, Peter Kuhn, convey. No stock solutions are available here, instead every vehicle is a unique project tailored to the customer's specific needs. "We work with our customers to develop each vehicle and start by allowing our ideas to flow freely," explains Peter Kuhn, who took over the company in 2011 and redeveloped it.

Produktionshalle von Ormocar

"We work with our customers to develop each vehicle
and start by allowing our ideas to flow freely"

(Peter Kuhn)


The development of each motorhome starts with the same production steps. The external walls of the living area are manufactured using several layers, just like a sandwich. In addition to plastic reinforced with fibreglass, polyurethane is used as insulating material. These sandwiched panels are hand crafted by the employees. The panels subsequently ensure that the living area remains warm and dry.

Once the panels have been positioned, assembled and glued together, the process can continue – the company's own metalworking department then produces the chassis for the cab. The steel frame subsequently plays a key role by connecting the cab to the truck chassis. Precise measurements and dimensions of the individual components are thus extremely important, as all of the parts must be coordinated at a later date. The team enjoys using a variety of tape measures for this purpose. Due to the dimensions of the living shells, pocket tapes as well as closed case and open reel tapes from STABILA are frequently used.

Hauseigenen Schlosserei
Innenausbau: Küche

As soon as it comes to developing the inside of the living area, employee and joiner, Stefan Stöbener, takes over. He has worked for the company for more than 20 years and interior construction is his specialist field. It is now time to customise the cab. "It is a bit like playing chess as you have to think a few steps ahead. You always have to consider the space and question whether cables will need to be routed around the cabinet or whether a different design is required." Asked what is special about his work and Ormocar, Stefan Stöbener explains, "it is the variety and challenge of combining all of the trades in one cab. The work is not just physical but also requires quite a bit of brain power."

Collage Produktionsschritte

When it comes to the interior construction, collaborating with customers is particularly important to clarify what is possible and can be implemented, but also identifying where a compromise may be needed. However, generally, there are no limits placed on customers' requests. In addition to somewhere to sleep, a kitchen, dining table and bathroom, there must also be room for a washing machine in the Ormocar. An exclusive range of materials can also be selected – wild oak, cherry wood or beech heartwood – anything is possible and feasible in a motorhome from Ormocar.

Innenausbau mit STABILA Messwerkzeugen

"The work is very versatile,
no two vehicles are the same."

(Bernd Farbacher)

The team consists of around 15 members who all work in close cooperation, something that we not only witnessed but is also clear when you speak to the employees. Laughter is encouraged and the team spirit is great. Peter Kuhn is always there for his employees and is happy to listen. Many of the employees have worked for the company for many years. "Working at Ormocar is great fun, we all enjoy the variety that the vehicles have to offer. No two vehicles are the same," explains Bernd Farbacher, who was lucky enough to find the job in Hauenstein 10 years ago.

The finishing touches to the Ormocar are finally implemented by the painter. Of course, these also meet the customer's specifications and it is thus not unusual for the living compartment to be the same colour as the driver's cab. Thereafter, there is nothing standing in the way of delivering the product to the customer. Such a large project takes around one year on average from planning through to delivery.

"Of course, I am always thrilled when one of our projects is finished and the Ormocar is out on the road. If you see one out and about and think it looks great, even I am a little proud," explains Peter Kuhn with a grin on his face.
