Social Media Day 2021 – an international event

Can you imagine hosting a successful event like the first Social Media Day 2020 without making it bigger and better next time? The organising team decided that wouldn't do at all and started planning the second Social Media Day at the end of last year, with the aim of making it a global affair in 2021.

At the beginning of September 2021, seven influencers had the opportunity to travel to the international Social Media Day in Germany to get to know the STABILA employees (who refer to themselves as "Stabilaner"), the Production facility and measuring tools. Although, in this case, the event should really have been called 'Social Media Days' as, unlike last year, it was spread over several days.

STABILA Social Media Day 2021 – Zu Gast: sieben Influencer

The journey to and arrival in Germany, as well as the drive to Annweiler were documented on the social media profiles of the invited influencers. The seven influencers shared the experience with their many followers on Instagram, YouTube and other platforms to give them an insight into the work we do at STABILA over the few days they were with us.

In the photo from left to right:

Peter alias @pbplumber from England
Jason alias @drdecks from the USA
Rachael alias @thegingermason from England
Tim alias @awesomeframers from the USA
Greg und Kyle alias @rrbuildings from the USA
Rob alias @the_bearded_tradesman from England
Todd alias @glisterservices from England

"I am most looking forward to visiting the
STABILA Production
department to see how
everything is manufactured. I am also very
excited about meeting all of the other
participants who work in a variety of trades
and come from different parts of England and
America and I hope to make some new friends."

(Rachael alias @thegingermason)

With 2 September dawing, was the first day of the international Social Media Day event was held at the STABILA premises. The welcoming speech by CEO Ulrich Dähne, Director of Sales and Marketing Holger Binder and members of the social media team, was followed by the Social Media Day group photograph which has already become a tradition. The international guests were then treated to their first highlight and a highly anticipated part of the programme – a behind-the-scenes tour of the Production department, warehouse and rule printing facility, providing them with a unique insight into the work processes in place at STABILA. The influencers were able to follow the development of the spirit level from the start, see how the 'Be a True Pro' and 'True Pro Ladies' rules are printed and explore the STABILA site.

STABILA Behind-the-Scenes Tour

"I was really looking forward to seeing the
exact process and precision that goes into
each STABILA spirit level and each different type.
It is not like I had expected!"

(Todd alias @glisterservices)

After a break for lunch, the influencers, who are also all professional tradespeople, met up at the STABILA Training Campus to learn even more about STABILA at four stations. The guests gained an exclusive insight into the new tape measures and the secret inner workings of the spirit level and also visited the STABILA museum where they learnt about the company's history. The interviews held in front of the 'Be a True Pro' wall, made famous on the first Social Media Day, provided more than just a good discussion about the trade sector and topic of social media. Everyone also got the chance to show off their strength in the R-Type Challenge.

STABILA Social Media Day 2021 – Zu Gast: sieben Influencer

At the end of the day, CEO Ulrich Dähne and Director of Sales and Marketing Holger Binder held a question and answer session for the influencers – a unique opportunity for every single one of them. When do you ever get the chance to ask the management team at a Germany company any question you like?

"During the Campus Training session, I really enjoyed
finding out about the STABILA products that I didn't
even know existed. I imagine that I will end up purchasing
some of them when I get back home and using
them at work."

(Jason alias @drdecks)

An excursion to Heidelberg was organised on the following Friday to ensure that our visitors, who had travelled a long way, got to appreciate the beauty of Germany outside STABILA HQ in Annweiler. The weather was perfect and the international guests were taken on a tour of Heidelberg Castle and the old town followed by a simple lunch where they got to sample the German "Curry-wurst".

Ausblick auf Heidelberg

Upon their return to Annweiler, everyone enjoyed a final party and barbecue at STABILA premises. Plenty of conversation and excellent food enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere was not all that remained. It was now also time to finally crown the winner of the R-Type-Challenge from the day before. With a time of 6 minutes and 7 seconds, Todd alias @glisterservices claimed the victory – an excellent performance! However, the other participants did not have to worry about going home empty-handed. In addition to words of thanks and goodbyes, they each received an individually engraved spirit level – a highlight that they wasted no time in sharing on social media.

Todd alias @glisterservices
Verabschiedung der Influencer

Saturday came around sooner than expected and it was time for the guests to start making their way home, marking the end of the second STABILA Social Media Day. Overall, the event was not only an asset to the influencers who travelled to Germany but also to everyone involved at STABILA. Happy memories all round!