STABILA is a world-renowned and distinguished manufacturer of top-quality, branded measuring tools
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80 AS, 80 AS-2 and 196-2 sets with an anthracite matt coating / Versatile thanks to various lengths / Precise measurements in standard and reverse position / Tough aluminium rectangular profile with reinforcing ribs
A big opening ceremony in an anniversary year / Optimised processes in a space measuring around 8,000 m² / Sustainable, climate-neutral building
STABILA is celebrating its 135th anniversary – and tradespeople can join in the celebrations, as the measuring tool specialist has launched a special model of its proven TECH 196 electronic spirit level for them.
To take measurements for inclinations, slopes and angles / A model with a rare-earth magnet system / High measurement accuracy, many functions / Extra-compact design for short building components
A series of wooden folding rules converted to PEFC / Beechwood originating from sustainably managed forests / High break resistance and elasticity
Portable pocket tape / Viewing window to immediately read internal dimensions / Precise measurements / Compact and sturdy
Two models with red or green laser lines / Fast self-levelling function for immediate use on construction sites / Long operating times thanks to CAS 12 V battery
Spirit level set in three common lengths / Proven, classic profile shape / For numerous measuring tasks in different trades
Two sets in robust shoulder bags / Two measuring surfaces for all positions / High measurement accuracy
Expanded range of closed case and open reel tapes/Reliable measurements for distances of up to 100 metres/User-friendly design/Can be used flexibly thanks to special hooks
Offering a variety of scales, lengths and blade widths, shatter-proof housing, easy-toread steel blade and convenient operation
One series has already been completely converted and more are to follow / Beechwood from sustainably managed forests / Also new: integrated angle schema
An additional 1400 m2 of space at its Annweiler site / More spirit levels to meet increased demand / Optimised production processes, ergonomic machine operation
Attractive spirit level set in True Pro design / tried-and-tested high quality / True Pro campaign has been providing a community for tradespeople for many years
Stabila encourages and inspires women in trades worldwide with own community / This year's fundraising campaign calls for creative designs of folding rules / STABILA donates 5 Euro per submitted design for children's hospice
Horizontal and vertical levelling / Powerful and quick to set up / GreenBeam version for even better visibility
Profile spirit level with a length of just 20 cm / For measurement tasks in cramped conditions / With the usual level of quality and precision
STABILA is a well-known, distinguished manufacturer of branded measuring tools of the highest quality. The product range comprises spirit levels, lasers, electronic measuring tools, folding rules and tape measures …
From the “Meterfabrik” to global production / Patented quality / Spirit levels for a lifetime of work / Attractive anniversary set
Fully automatic rotation laser for horizontal levelling / Working area of 800 metres – ideal for outdoor applications / Quick to set up, easy to use
Three versions for different measurement tasks / Stable and handy / Two measuring surfaces for all positions
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