Stickers for children – campaign:
1300 euros and 130 blue elephants for the child protection agency
260 stickers designed by trade firms in 17 countries have raised a donation of 1300 euros for the Kinderschutzbund Kreisverband Landau-SÜW (Landau-SÜW child protection agency). STABILA also donated 130 blue elephants to the Kinderschutzbund Kreisverband Landau-SÜW e.V.
In 2019, trade firms in more than 80 countries were encouraged to send in their uniquely crafted stickers for this good cause via the social media platforms Instagram and Facebook. The stickers that were collected were displayed on a sticker wall in the STABILA headquarters under the slogan #stickersforchildren. For every sticker, a donation of five euros was made to the Kinderschutzbund Kreisverband Landau-SÜW e.V., which runs the BLAUER ELEFANT (blue elephant) children’s home in Landau, Germany, providing care for children and young people who have experienced violence, abuse or a traumatic parental divorce or separation.
STABILA ran the “Stickers for children” campaign as part of its 130-year company anniversary. Up until the end of the campaign on 4 December, 260 stickers were sent in by the global community, with the aim of helping children in need and raising a total donation of 1300 euros.

“We in the STABILA family are very proud to see how much heart
and soul our global community has put into doing good.”
(Dr Ulrich Dähne, CEO of STABILA)

“17 countries took part in our charitable campaign, and many of them expressed their high regard for the work of the child protection agency in the form of letters. The majority of the stickers were sent from Germany, the UK, Australia, the USA and New Zealand. As well as numerous European countries, Russia and Canada were also represented. “We in the STABILA family are very proud to see how much heart and soul our global community has put into doing good” (Dr Ulrich Dähne, CEO of STABILA).
“With the sticker campaign, we wanted to put a forward-looking media project into action and support a social institution that, like our company itself, has its roots in the local area. We are always being sent stickers as part of the everyday culture of trade, which gave us the idea of combining this with a charitable gesture” (Stefan Weinen, Head of Marketing at STABILA).
“It’s fantastic that so many people have thought STABILA’s campaign, and therefore our work, is worth supporting. This shows that a lot of people are aware of children in need, see our work as necessary, and are willing to do something to help. And we are thrilled and extremely grateful to receive this financial support” (Heinrich Braun, CEO of the Kinderschutzbund Landau-SÜW).
Heinrich Braun, CEO of the Kinderschutzbund Landau-SÜW, who accepted the donation together with his colleague Sina Ludwig, was also delighted with the 130 blue cuddly elephant toys that STABILA gave the agency as an early Christmas present.

In conclusion, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the 260 trade firms, tradespeople and DIY enthusiasts for their participation in this wonderful campaign and for their support of the Kinderschutzbund Landau-SÜW. You all far exceeded our expectations, and for us at STABILA it was great to see how well our community received this charity campaign. We are also very grateful to the many other indirect participants who may not have sent us a sticker, but who spread the word about the campaign via social media by posting, liking and commenting with enthusiasm (Nicholas Baldermann and Claus-Peter Stengel, STABILA social media team).
Evolution of the sticker wall